However, that being said, it is usually around this time of year that I start thinking about Christmas cards, since it would be nice to have those done ahead of time (as in, not just a few days before Christmas, like last year). So you can imagine my excitement when Shutterfly sent me an e-mail telling me they'd compensate me for posting about their 2012 Holiday campaign. Whaaaaaaat? Um, let me think about that.

Even if they weren't paying me, I'd say how every year since we started sending out Christmas cards, I've purchased them through Shutterfly. I always end up with some kind of promotion from them this time of year, and they have AWESOME stuff, so it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. So please go check out their Christmas cards, and they'd also like it if you checked out their current special offers.
Now for the extra fun part...a GIVEAWAY!
Between now and November 10th, one reader will win $50 off an order of $50 or more from Shutterfly -- super cool, right?! All you have to do is leave ONE comment in the comments section below (NOT in Facebook's comments, if that's how you got here) about anything interesting you'd like to tell me. Please make sure you put a valid e-mail address in the e-mail field so if you win, I know how to contact you. A winner will be chosen at random on November 11th.
* If you subscribe to my RSS feed ( or already have, you can leave a second comment letting me know, thus entering yourself twice. *
Please note: Max two comments per person (2nd comment only to verify your RSS subscription). Other extra comments or anything rude will be deleted. The $50 credit does not include tax or shipping, it can not be combined with any other promo, and it expires December 14th, 2012.
UPDATE 11-14-2012
Annnnnnnd the lucky winner is:
Annie!! The big sister of one of my wonderful roommates in college, and someone who showed me the way (literally) to being a Web Designer and Programmer. Here was her winning comment:
Congratulations, Annie! E-mail coming your way shortly...
Talk about a giveaway!! I'm in! =). Hope you guys stay safe during this hurricane!
Hi Leah ;)
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
I would like to tell you that I'm glad we are blog friends and that we get to read about each other's lives, and also that I sent you a package and I hope it didn't get lost in the hurricane. :) And also I like Christmas cards :)
I love your blog, Leah! Hope you and the family are well! :)
I've been eyeing their card called Triple Furry Wishes :)
I like your mad digital scrap booking skills.
Sweet deal! Now that we have someone worthy of a Christmas card..!
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