And 1/2 day later, voila:
From 1 cup of yogurt and 1/2 gallon of milk, we got 8 cups of yogurt (64 oz...or, twice as much as the large 32oz container I had originally bought from the store). I think I figured out that after the cost of the ingredients (about $2.50), it made $5 worth of yogurt. Not too shabby for just sitting around waiting for milk to spoil ;)
(I love that top pic, with little Sam in the background, eating the last of the store-bought yogurt as I work on making some new homemade stuff...)
NOTE: The yogurt came out great! Jake and Sam loved it, and the consistency was perfect - even had the liquidy whey on top! Yay :) And since I won't have to actually BUY yogurt to make yogurt any more, that brings all subsequent batches to the cost of just a half gallon of milk, or around $1.80. Even better!
Thank you for visiting my site and using my yogurt method :) It's wonderful stuff isn't it?? I also strain it to make greek yogurt to use in cooking.
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