Here's the money shot:

For you ultrasound novices, you're looking down at the bum (on the right) and between the legs...definitely nothing in there!
(It feels a little scandalous posting this picture...)
One cute thing the baby kept doing during the ultrasound was holding out her index finger. Here it is in a 3-D shot against her face:

I love when their hands are up by their heads - just how little tiny babies sleep!
Here's a similar one with her closed fists up by her head:

Here's another of her holding up her index finger:

(Is she confused? Does she think she's the first baby? "I'm number one! I'm number one!" Oh no, she has no idea what's coming...)
Here's the bottom of one of her feet:

There were 10 fingers and 10 toes! And 4 chambers of the heart, two kidneys, a liver, etc. Everything was perfect. And despite the baby's constant movement, she was very cooperative and the exam was over much too quickly.
Here's a long shot I asked for of her whole body:

You can see that her little arms are still up by her head. That makes me think the baby is relaxed...comfortable...because I've seen Lily and Jacob sleep that way so often, so peacefully.
Here are two pics of her profile we saw just as the exam started:

Even though this is our third baby and I've had who knows how many ultrasounds with the miscarriages, etc, I was immediately in awe the minute this image popped up on the screen. The monitor was blank, and then BOOM there's our baby! I'm never really able to picture the baby this big, this COMPLETE, this baby-like, until the image is staring me straight in the face. I said to the ultrasound tech, Sandy, "Wow, looking at that image pop up and seeing your new baby never gets old."

Some stats: the baby currently weighs 13 oz (I forget how long she said the baby was), and her head is in the 84th percentile. The EIGHTY-FOURTH! Come on, now. Are you kidding me?? I know I'm prone to having big babies with big heads, but this is NOT the kind of news that makes me look forward to labor. Now I'm going to have nightmares of me pushing out 84th percentile head babies for the next 20 weeks...
Jake's head was only in the 50th percentile at this exam, and he was 9lb 5oz at birth (Lily was 8lb 7oz). If my babies continue in this trend, the next one will be 10lb 3oz. Um, you can see why this head size news is a little unnerving...
Today was the first time we ever went into the ultrasound room saying, yes, we want to know the sex of the baby. I thought it would change the whole experience somewhat, but I'm not really sure it did.
We told Sandy our story of accidentally finding out the sex of Lily during her 20-week ultrasound - how it was really OUR fault we accidentally found out, not the ultrasound tech's - but we didn't know it was our fault until our ultrasound with Jacob 1 1/2 years later. Long story...I'll share it here some other time. She just laughed and said that happens more than it should.
So I am 20 weeks 3 days today, and the baby measured 20 weeks 5 days, so they're not changing my due date (May 7th) since it was so close. Phew, I don't need any dates pushed up sooner, when my babies are habitually 8 days late!
congrats! what a precious little girl. I loved her arm by her head. and i would be scared about the 84th percentile too! whew :)
Love reading your stories! So glad things are going well :-).
WOW! What awesome pictures. That does it. I can't talk. I have to go to the mall and buy something for "baby girl" (that's the name I've given her). So I'm off! Love Great Aunt Ilse (almost 3x)
Hello little one!!!!
Ahh I can't wait until we find out, CONGRATS!
Congratulations! Sounds like you will need new clothes since Lily is the complete opposite season. Baby shower anyone? Of course, I will have to participate vis USPS. LOL
Aww! Great pics!
I started laughing at the part about labor for a child in the 84th percentile and Hayden thought I was laughing because it was "Mail time" on Blue's Clues. Instead of trying to explain to a two year old, I just agreed. :)
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