Look how big they are!

Ready to go, despite the rain.

Jacob was all, "See ya, Ma!" the moment he saw toy trucks. He plopped right down next to this other little boy, and said, "Hi, I'm Jacob. What's your name?" Have I ever mentioned that he is the sweetest little boy EVER.?

(First day of school means 4 pigtails for Lily!)

Lily was a bit more tentative b/c she knew her teacher was a man, and she's at a stage where she is a bit reluctant to speak to males in general. I told her she didn't have to say anything to him until she was ready ("But I'll NEVER be ready!"), and that she could only talk to her female assistant teacher for now if she wanted to. That did the trick and she settled right in. Hooray for Miss Sylvia!
1st day of school this past February. Jacob looks so much older now!
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