Looks like it fits, with room to grow!
I knew that material was perfect for her the moment I saw it.
Of course it could not be from me without corduroy somewhere (the pocket). I really enjoyed adding the lace trim around the top and the blue ribbon ties across the waist. My biggest mistake was accidentally sewing the waist tie onto the underside of the pocket (oops - how did that ribbon get down there?).
A quick snip and that was fixed. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with how this turned out, and foresee many apron adventures in my future ;)
(Her party had a Greek theme, and here's a shot of the cake I brought:
I'm looking forward to the comments to see who gets the joke first...hehe.)
"I fixed the cake!" : ) what a great movie! Still enjoying reading about all of your adventures while I bake in AZ...love, Amanda F.
A Buuuuunte? A bundt. Bunnnnnttt? Bundt. Nice, Leah.
It's a caaake.
Nice apron, lovely!
P.S. I didn't know I had another account...
Um, never mind, I was signed in under the right one...;)
That is really cute!
i love the apron!
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