This is the table where we sign in. The same nice lady sits there for every election. I took pride signing my name right next to Ryan's...to see the evidence of his fulfilled civic duty from earlier that day.

Here's Lily in the booth with me. I had wanted to let her push the VOTE NOW button, but there was too much chaos in the firehouse and I was afraid I'd get yelled at for holding things up.

I'm so glad I got to share this experience with my two little ones (Jacob was in the bottom seat). I told Lily, "Guess what we're going to do?" She looked at me with excitement. "We're going to VOTE!" We walked the three blocks to the firehouse, her repeating, "FOTE!" the whole way there. She was such a good sport for having no idea what was going to happen. After we voted, I told her again what we just did and how important it was. She looked at me and nodded, as if she fully understood.
Hopefully, when the kids are adults, they will fully embrace this privilege and responsibility as their own.
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