We went across the cape may ferry this morning (Lily made lots of friends on the boat and enjoyed pointing at the water, but was afraid of the friendly but very large dog on the deck after he barked "hello"), did some shopping at the outlets in Rehoboth Beach (Ryan got a whole bunch of work clothes in record time at Geoffrey Beene), and then came down to VA beach via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel (making sure to stop at the pier to get our free soda and let Lily say "hi" to the MILLION seagulls).
Lily was definitely ready to get out the car when we got here! She investigated the hotel suite thoroughly in the small amount of time she had before going to bed - opened and closed cabinets and drawers, spent a lot of time on the phone (we disconnected it so she could call as many friends as she wanted), tried out the safe (not sure what lock combination she picked), shut herself in the bathroom and then banged on the door until we got her out ("Oh, hi guys"), pounded on the glass doors overlooking the ocean, and basically just ran from room to room, so happy to be out of the car.

We ended our evening with cable TV (not something we have at home) and Dominos Pizza (mmm DEFINITELY something we have at home...frequently). Looking forward to exploring the area and the hotel pool. I think Lily will get a kick out of the pool this year. Last year? Not so much.
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